Public Hearing on Tues, May 22, 2018
The details:
A public hearing will be head at 6pm on Tuesday, May 22 to consider the sale of the Khyber building to our society (the 1588 Barrington Building Preservation Society). The conditions of the proposed sale are set out in this staff report:
14.2.2 Administrative Order 50 Disposal of Surplus Real Property – PID 00076471 1588 Barrington Street, [PDF]
In brief, the proposed terms and conditions of the sale are:
Sale of the Khyber Building to the 1588 Society for $1.00 (property valued at $1,498,600.00)
Grant to the 1588 Society for $250,000 earmarked for holding and re-development costs
A Buy-Back agreement which stipulates that HRM can repurchase the property for $1.00 if 1588 Society is unable to meet fundraising goals in 2 years.
How to participate:
We know that the community has been supportive of this project every step of the way. The public hearing is our last chance to show HRM how much the public supports the renovation of the Khyber Building and plan to run the space as a community arts hub.
Sign up to speak at 5:30PM at the hearing or submit your comments ahead of time through the Municipal Clerk’s Office.